At Root IVF center we have comprehensive knowledge and experience in the field of egg donor and surrogacy. We have a booming base of 1,000 donors.

Sex selection can be done either before or after the fertilisation of the egg. Gender selection is the attempt to control the gender of human offspring.

Fertility preservation in general, and egg freezing in particular, is quickly becoming a more popular procedure for women all over the world each year.
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Cryopreservation is a process under which the eggs, sperms and embryos are frozen in a sub zero temperature for use in the future. They are basically of three types :- Sperm Cryopreservation Eggs Cryopreservation Embryos Cryopreservation Sperm Cryopreservation: Sperm are frozen to preserve because of a string of reasons: To create a sperm bank; To donate stored sperm; To use…