Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, primis ullamcorper reprehendunt his cu, eu brute scripta temporibus duo, pro liber simul iuvaret ne. Cu nobis diceret sea. Ad est quis modus, per ne fabellas mandamus. Ex pro repudiare vulputate interpretaris, quo falli probatus inimicus in. Id vis habeo antiopam, omnium fabellas ullamcorper cu eam, duis nostrud mei id. Duo ornatus electram dissentiunt ex.…
In vitro fertilisation, popularly known as test tube baby, is a process under which the eggs of the woman are removed from her ovaries and sperms of the male partner is collected. The egg is fertilised with the sperm in a laboratory, and the fertilized egg is placed in the woman’s egg to help her conceive. Fertility experts believe that…
Cryopreservation is a process under which the eggs, sperms and embryos are frozen in a sub zero temperature for use in the future. They are basically of three types :- Sperm Cryopreservation Eggs Cryopreservation Embryos Cryopreservation Sperm Cryopreservation: Sperm are frozen to preserve because of a string of reasons: To create a sperm bank; To donate stored sperm; To use…